How hot flashes can develop

How Hot Flashes Can Develop

Most people associate hot flashes with menopause. Up to 75% of women get them in their menopause transition, with a quarter of those experiencing severe enough symptoms to seek help from their doctor. Despite the shared awareness of hot flashes, we still do not know enough about them. While health experts and researchers are working … Read more

Hot Flashes Affect 80% of Women: Research Trial Aims to Provide Potential New Options

Local physicians are seeking volunteers for hot flash clinical trials, aiming to find potential new treatment options. SEATTLE, WA – Hot flashes tend to be the most common complaint from women going through menopause. Women who are experiencing hot flashes may feel like they have limited treatment options, but local researchers are seeking alternative options. … Read more

What you need to know about treating hot flashes

Treating Hot Flashes: What You Need to Know

75% of perimenopausal women in the United States have reported experiencing hot flashes. They range in severity from being easily tolerated to debilitating. For women that are looking for relief, there are concerns around the safety of hormone therapy, and some are still hesitant to go that route. However, medical experts agree that hormone therapy … Read more

Answers to your hot flashes questions

Hot Flashes: Your Scorching Questions Answered

Hot flashes are the most common symptom of menopause and up to 75% of women experience them at some point in their lives. However, hot flashes can start before menopause (perimenopause), and carry on after it as well (postmenopausal). This can leave women dealing with them for many years. The exact cause of hot flashes … Read more