Let's celebrate cervical health month

Cervical Health Awareness Month

Approximately 14,500 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer last year. Thanks to awareness events and programs centering around cervical health, the impact of this form of cancer has been dramatically reduced. Cervical Health Awareness Month occurs in January. It is one program that reminds women that cervical cancer is preventable with appropriate vaccinations and screenings. … Read more

Speak Up About SUI

You’ve seen the commercials. Women sporting the latest incontinence options while exercising, lifting, and squatting with a blissful smile plastered to their faces. If only real life were that easy. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the most common type of urinary incontinence in women. While it’s helpful to have various options for managing this condition, … Read more

Understand all the pieces of sexual health

All Aspects of Sexual Health Matter.

Sexual Health Awareness Month is celebrated annually during September and attempts to break down social and cultural taboos associated with sexuality. It also promotes a positive association surrounding sexual health worldwide to create an understanding that sexual health isn’t just physical. All aspects of sexual health matter. Here’s why. Sexual Health Awareness Month Sexual Health … Read more

Participate in clinical trials with confidence

Participate in Clinical Trials with Confidence

World Patient Safety Day takes place on September 17th. The focus is to promote global actions to enhance patient safety and reduce patient harm. It is also the perfect opportunity for educating our communities about the importance of clinical trials and the measures taken to ensure patient safety. In turn, individuals can gain the necessary … Read more

Learn about diversity in medicine

Women’s Equality and Diversity in Medicine

Women’s Equality Day is an annual celebration on August 26th that celebrates the achievements of women’s rights activists and reminds us of the unique struggles women face daily. Safer, more effective ways to treat conditions predominate in women is an ongoing battle in healthcare and clinical research studies. Without the understanding and complete acceptance of … Read more

Blog post on Sexual Dysfunctions

Beyond Desire: Forms of Sexual Dysfunction

Around 4 in 10 women experience problems with sex at some point in their lives. Sexual dysfunction may occur during any of the physical and emotional changes the body goes through during sexual stimulation. The female sexual response cycle is complex, including emotional intimacy, stimulation, arousal, desire, and emotional and physical satisfaction. Causes of Female … Read more

Ever wondered what clinical trials are and why they are so importnant?

What Are Clinical Trials?

There are many reasons people decide to take part in clinical research trials. Some patients are able to utilize new treatments before they are released to the general public. Others may receive certain types of medical care without going through insurance, and others may be passionate about contributing to medical advancements. We wanted to write … Read more

Learn about meningitis symptoms and vaccine

Meningitis Strikes Quickly and without Mercy

Meningitis is an infection that causes the swelling of the fluid and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It can cause headaches, fever, stiff neck, and other symptoms. A Meningitis infection can lead to life-threatening complications if not treated promptly. Meningitis strikes without warning and progresses quickly. Knowing more about the symptoms and how … Read more