Learn about diversity in medicine

Women’s Equality and Diversity in Medicine

Women’s Equality Day is an annual celebration on August 26th that celebrates the achievements of women’s rights activists and reminds us of the unique struggles women face daily. Safer, more effective ways to treat conditions predominate in women is an ongoing battle in healthcare and clinical research studies. Without the understanding and complete acceptance of … Read more

Osteoporosis slowing you down?

Osteoporosis: Your Treatment Options

Healthy bones continuously break down and rebuild throughout your life. As you age, bones break down more quickly, especially after menopause. Osteoporosis occurs when bone rebuilding cannot keep pace with breakdown. This causes them to deteriorate, weaken, and become more susceptible to breaks and fractures. However, with proper treatment and lifestyle changes, you can help … Read more

Researching and end to endometriosis

Researching an End to Endometriosis

Endometriosis affects approximately 1 in 10 women during their reproductive years worldwide. Surprisingly, most women lack a diagnosis until their 30s and 40s. The impact of pain and fertility can interfere with daily life. Medical advances have improved options, but there is still a long road ahead to solve underdiagnosis and treatment difficulties. Seattle Clinical … Read more