Seattle Clinical Research Center

Seattle Clinical Research Center

We offer a unique practice that integrates preventative care and medical treatment in addition to cutting-edge research. Our approach creates a standard of excellence in the specialized care of women. 

The office is led by our Co-Medical Directors Ashley Fuller, MD, FACOG and Rebecca Dunsmoor-Su, MD, MSCE, FACOG, recognized leaders in women’s healthcare and research.

Clinical Research

Clinical research site specializing in women’s health issues. Over the past two decades, our site has conducted over 200 phase II, III and IV studies.

Help Others in Need

Through our Research with a Mission program, we make anonymous donations to charitable organizations on behalf of each volunteer who participates in a clinical research study.

Sponsors / CRO Info

Our site is located in Seattle, Washington, covering a diverse population of potential patients.

Participate in Clinical Research in Seattle, Washington!

Learn more about your condition, receive access to new treatments, and help your community! Browse & Apply for currently enrolling clinical trials in Seattle, Washington. Or sign up to receive more information about Future Studies.

Sign Up for Future Studies!

Complete this form if you are interested in participating in our research studies. We will contact you with more information about any studies you would like to learn about.

Recent Blog Posts

The Complexity of Endometriosis

As we step into Endometriosis Awareness Month, it’s essential to shine a light on this often misunderstood and underestimated condition. Endometriosis affects millions of women worldwide, yet its complexities are often overlooked or misinterpreted. From its various types to the array of symptoms and underlying causes, understanding endometriosis is crucial for early diagnosis and effective

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Hormonal Health

Understanding the Complexities of Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones play a vital role in regulating various bodily functions, from metabolism and mood to reproductive health and sleep patterns. However, disruptions in hormone levels can lead to hormonal imbalance, triggering a cascade of effects on overall health and well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore the diverse array of conditions and factors that can contribute

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Birth Control Rings: A Contraceptive Guide

In the realm of women’s health, contraception stands as a cornerstone of reproductive autonomy and freedom. For decades, women have sought reliable methods of birth control that not only offer effectiveness but also align with their lifestyles and preferences. Enter the birth control ring, a discreet and low-maintenance contraceptive option that has transformed the landscape

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