Leave endometriosis pain in 2021

Leave Endometriosis Pain in 2021

If you suffer from endometriosis you know that a flare-up can be excruciating to experience. The onset of an endo flare is different for everyone as several things can trigger it. Identifying your triggers can help reduce flares and leave endometriosis pain in 2021. Endometriosis Pain and Other Symptoms Endometriosis affects approximately 11% of American … Read more

Seasonal Migraines: Sleigh Winter Migraine Symptoms

Reducing exposure to the various potential triggers is a vital part of managing migraine symptoms. For instance, the atmospheric and environmental differences that come with the changing seasons can be a significant trigger for migraine sufferers. Seasonal migraines can take the merriness out of the holiday season. While you can’t change the weather, we have … Read more

Information on adolescents dealing with migraines

International Youth Day and Teen Migraine

International Youth Day is on August 12. It focuses on the difficulties that some young people are experiencing throughout the world. Migraine is typically thought of as an adult issue, but it affects children too. Approximately 10% of school-age children suffer from migraines. Up to 28% of teens between 15-19 years are also affected by … Read more

Osteoporosis slowing you down?

Osteoporosis: Your Treatment Options

Healthy bones continuously break down and rebuild throughout your life. As you age, bones break down more quickly, especially after menopause. Osteoporosis occurs when bone rebuilding cannot keep pace with breakdown. This causes them to deteriorate, weaken, and become more susceptible to breaks and fractures. However, with proper treatment and lifestyle changes, you can help … Read more

Ever wondered what clinical trials are and why they are so importnant?

What Are Clinical Trials?

There are many reasons people decide to take part in clinical research trials. Some patients are able to utilize new treatments before they are released to the general public. Others may receive certain types of medical care without going through insurance, and others may be passionate about contributing to medical advancements. We wanted to write … Read more

Don't get it twisted. Nexplanon myths debunked

Debunked Myths Regarding the Use of Nexplanon®

Nexplanon® is a long-acting reversible birth control implant and is one of the most effective, convenient, and safe methods available. Despite this, many myths circulate regarding the use of Nexplanon® and other implants. Though most have been debunked, it’s helpful to know about them and the facts behind each one. Keep reading to learn more about … Read more

The link between osteoporosis and menopause

The Link Between Osteoporosis and Menopause

Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens the bones, increasing the risk of unexpected breaks and fractures. It is often referred to as a silent disease because there are typically no symptoms until a minor injury causes a fracture and reveals how weak the bones are. For women, the stakes are even higher due to the … Read more

More than a headache, migraine facts. Male standing and taking glasses off in pain, clinical research

More than a Headache- Migraine Facts

Over 1 billion people suffer from migraine headaches worldwide. It is the 3rd most prevalent illness in the world and the 6th most disabling. Despite this, there is still a lot we don’t know about why migraines happen and how they happen. They remain largely misunderstood and thus are undertreated. Migraines are more than headaches, … Read more